Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
Former Adviser to President Bush. Patrick Ruffini GOP strategist, political blogger. Barham Salih Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq. George Stephanopoulos
15 Feb 2011 Jordan Raynor becomes vice president of media and public affairs for Engage, the firm headed up by Mindy Finn and Patrick Ruffini. Perhaps we'll mention it here on the blog. Perhaps.
22 Mar 2010 Patrick Ruffini on Obama's approval ratings, Glenn Greenwald on the GOP and Salon blogger Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) slams anti-health care GOPers The 2011 GOP presidential primary debates will be totally.
Jump to : Edsall, Thomas B., “Rising Conservative Star Patrick Ruffini Riles the called for Republican lawmakers to vote against President George W. “God Himself couldn't have given rank-and-file Republicans a better
I couldn't agree more, as does Patrick Ruffini, who claims that “we are living through the first Presidential campaign that is being marketed like a
Welcome BACK to the premiere Iowa Caucus Blog. You go to the water cooler If you would like to place a hex on one of the Presidential contenders, click here. Patrick Ruffini is starting a cool program, where he's asking Iowans to report He still has some GOP heavies working the groundgame in the state,
Patrick Ruffini is a political strategist whose work has helped define the blog — the first ever affiliated with an incumbent President — and led rapid
27 Oct 2010 Alinsky is not the only liberal icon Tea Party Republicans now 2008," wrote GOP web strategists Patrick Ruffini and Mindy Finn Mark Williams, penned a racially inflammatory blog post. And that doesn't even factor in the Tea Party's influence on the 2012 Republican presidential primaries.
2 Jun 2005 Already, in mid-2005, there is a 2008 Presidential Wire in place Patrick Ruffini, President Bush's former campaign webmaster, I bet the GOP is salivating at the idea of Hillary getting the Democratic nomination.
By Mindy Finn and Patrick Ruffini. Sunday, January 24, 2010 the rightroots to latch onto Brown's campaign through blogs, Facebook and Twitter. The former Vermont governor didn't secure the Democratic presidential nomination,
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire Two Republican presidential frontrunners, as loathe as we are to link to hugh hewitt's blog, patrick ruffini is there
17 Dec 2010 Mike Pence (R-Ind.) the best choice for the GOP's presidential nominee in 2012.
Patrick Ruffini's 2008 Presidential Wire: Stories on Mike Huckabee in the words of blogger James Boulder "a refreshing choice in 2008." 16, 2006- Speaking at the Sioux County Republicans' precinct caucus in Sioux Center, IA.
1 Jun 2005 Patrick Ruffini has launched the 2008 Presidential Wire, the first news aggregator and buzz tracker devoted to the next GOP gives HuffPo fits: That's the spirit! Philadelphia tax fever: Bloggers get hit
1 Jun 2005 The 2008 Presidential Wire enables us to know, in real time. Go to Patrick Ruffini's blog to read more about how it works.
29 Sep 2007 The GOP's North Star - Patrick Ruffini: When Larry Craig brought blogs like Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President and Palintology track
20 Jan 2010 Politico's Ben Smith reports that Brown adviser Patrick Ruffini today made just one donation to a federal political candidate in the past He accomplished this through online channels -- something with which the GOP has struggled. CQ Politics' Political Wire, CREW Blog, Election Law Blog
1 Jun 2005 Deborah's US Liberal Politics Blog. By Deborah White, Guide since 2005 One politico in particular, Patrick Ruffini, launched a beta version yesterday of his 2008 President Wire, "the first news aggregator
Submitted by Patrick Ruffini on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 16:52 And this from the President during his post-election news conference on Wednesday: House seats to their Cook PVI winner, the result would be a sizeable GOP majority. The first release of Cato's app features access to the Cato@Liberty blog,
Welcome BACK to the premiere Iowa Caucus Blog. You go to the water cooler If you would like to place a hex on one of the Presidential contenders, click here. Patrick Ruffini is starting a cool program, where he's asking Iowans to report He still has some GOP heavies working the groundgame in the state,

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