Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
2 Feb 2005 A series of public scandals involving Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick have erupted over the last several weeks.
25 Jan 2008 A scandal envelops the mayor of Motown but all anyone can talk about is the scandal consuming Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick--the one a local TV
4 Aug 2010 One Response to “Kwame Kilpatrick: Did Detroit's Ex-Mayor Corruptocrat's Scandals & Crimes Taint Mother Carolyn's 8th Bid for Congress?
3 Feb 2008 See here for my previous post: mayor-kwame-kilpatrick-involved-in-another-scandal/.
7 Aug 2008 One Response to “Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty Sex Scandal”. 1. Kwamegate Charges Still Surfacing « Cynical Synapse Says:
30 Jul 2009 So it appears that Detroit's ex-mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was carrying on other text-based affairs. His exchange of over 14000 steamy,
Name That Party: Again-Indicted Kwame Kilpatrick Still Not Tagged as a Dem as AP Continues Trend of Failing to Identify Democrats Embroiled in Scandal
30 Apr 2008 DETROIT —Text messages from the pager of his former top aide appear to show the evolution of flirty and sexually explicit exchanges
25 Mar 2008 DETROIT -- Felony charges filed against the mayor of Michigan's largest city damages the struggling state's ability to attract much-needed
24 Mar 2008 Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, a one-time rising star and Detroit's youngest elected leader, was charged Monday with perjury and other counts after
City Hall Scandal, Text messages scandal. Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick can't say he has nothing to do in prison.
Kwame Kilpatrick spent time in jail over the text message scandal, something psychic Ana Vangelena. Sometimes the psychic's answers come with a lot of
Timeline of the Mayor Kilpatrick Scandal - Timeline of the Mayor Kilpatrick... Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Editorial - Editorial Regarding Detroit Mayo.

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