Patrick White. Minerva Reads: Voss by Patrick White


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

8 Jun 2009 Voss was Patrick White's fifth novel and is the book that won the Lines: Voss (1957) Voss, by Patrick White won the inaugural Miles

6 Jul 2007 All about Voss by Patrick White. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers.

3 Sep 2010 Writing about books that were important to him, Patrick White once said that one seems to.

16 Feb 2006 Voss Bookcover This is the first Patrick White novel I've read, and it was amazing. It's a dense read, thick with beautiful prose that fires

Set in nineteenth-century Australia, Voss is the story of the secret passion between an explorer and a naive young woman. Although they have met only a few

The exploration is as much of the psychological and spiritual nature of the characters as it is of the actual terrain, though Patrick White renders the

Voss was written about ten years after World War 2. In an interview, White recalled two influences: his reading of a book on the German-born nineteenth

A review and a link to other reviews of Voss by Patrick White.

26 Feb 2009 Voss by Patrick White. Judd looked up, out of the distance. "Voss? No. He was never God, though he liked to think that he was.

29 Mar 2009 Twenty years after Patrick White's death, "Voss" and "The Vivisector" are revealed once again as masterpieces. White may have deprecated his

Cultural interweavings in Patrick White's Voss. Hubert Teyssandier (Université Paris 3 ). Patrick White's eponymous hero, Johann Ullrich Voss,

29 Apr 2010 Voss by Patrick White. On Tuesday night 27 April, Gerda, Kate and I had a good discussion about this amazing book. It was a real pity more

Voss is a typical character in White's stories, which often dealt with misfits or Vision and Style in Patrick White by Rodney Stenning Edgecombe (1989);

Voss by Patrick White - book cover, description, publication history.

The paper explores the character Voss in Patrick White's novel of the same name about a German explorer intent on crossing Australia.

6 Jul 2007 All about Voss by Patrick White. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers.

It is this genre that Patrick White borrows from and ultimately subverts in his novel Voss. While he based his doomed protagonist on Leichhardt, White was

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