Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
10 / 17 / 10, Special Olympics Great Michigan Race, Rochester, MI 3 / 15 / 09, Detroit St. Patrick's Day Parade, Detroit, MI
Continuous Irish Entertainment all day, Cash Bar and Food. St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 58 Parsons Ave., Detroit, MI. ½ Mile Kids Run, 1½ Mile and 4 Mile Run. All Pre-Registered participants receive commemorative tee-shirt.
Run Wild for the Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak, MI, 09/18/2011. Go The Extra Mile Half- Marathon, 5-K, St. Patrick's Day 5-K Run/Walk, Twin Lake, MI, 03/12/2011
Parade Day Mass. St. Patrick Church 58 Parsons. 10:30 am. 03/13/11. Corktown Races/Parade Day. Michigan Ave. , Corktown Detroit 6th - 14th St . Race 10 am
27 Jan 2011 a 5k available and a four mile trail run for the more adventurous. The first St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day Events in Detroit, MI
27 Jan 2011 a 5k available and a four mile trail run for the more adventurous. The first St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day Events in Detroit, MI
24 Feb 2010 A free shuttle will be running to and from Michigan Ave. all night long Flashback through Detroit's St. Patrick's Day scene (and other
The Guide to St. Patrick's Day in Detroit will give you plenty of information The Corktown Races precede the parade and include a Kids Run and 5K Walk/Run at noon. Tiger Stadium in the Corktown Neighborhood of Detroit, Michigan
14 Mar 2010 The Great Michigan Race is this Sat, Oct 17 in Roc. 52nd Annual Detroit St. Patrick's Day Parade and Corktown Races this Sunday,
March 14, 2010 - 28th St. Patrick's Day Cork town Race- Location: Detroit, MI - (248) 354-1177 or click here:
12 Mar 2009 Weekly Jog: St. Patrick's Day runs in Flushing on Saturday, in Detroit On Sunday, there is a 4-mile event and 2-mile walk in Detroit's
12 Mar 2010 Detroit's St. Patrick's Day festivities may not be nationally renowned (Boston Where: Michigan Ave. between Sixth Street and Wabash, Detroit The race starts and ends in front of the legendary abandoned Michigan

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