Patrick DeFeo II: page #1. patrick forant


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

Localism profile for Patrick DeFeo II, a local ActiveRain Real Estate Agent for Bradenton, FL.

Patrick DeFeo II Manatee county Realtor Horizon International Realty bradenton parrish palmetto lakewood ranch anna maria island university park longboat .

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I guarantee your home sold in 90 days or I will sell it for free! 407-506-8612 call or text Patrick J DeFeo II Realtor

Patrick DeFeo II Manatee county Realtor Horizon International Realty bradenton parrish palmetto lakewood ranch anna maria island university park longboat

Real estate agent Patrick DeFeo II: page #1. Please provide us with your opinion or feedback on real estate agent Patrick DeFeo II:

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