Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
Sculptor Patrick Amiot and the flowing universe. By Michael Houghton. Walking into Sebastopol sculptor Patrick Amiot's backyard is a little like walking
Patrick Amiot & Brigitte Laurent Sebastopol Sculptures Sebastopol and spy a sculpture of an oversized fisherman astride his fish with eyes the size of
Only in Sebastopol: enjoy eye-catching sculptures and alternative shopping The car is the work of local artist Patrick Amiot, a French Canadian who
Patrick Amiot & Brigitte Laurent Sebastopol Sculptures Sebastopol and spy a sculpture of an oversized fisherman astride his fish with eyes the size of
[ patrick amiot sculpture, amiot laurant house, florence avenue, sebastopol, ca ]. Tags: Daily Photo Sketchbook, David Bacigalupi Photo Journal,
17 May 2002 Patrick Amiot is an artist with a gypsy soul. his neighbors on what people have dubbed "the art street" in Sebastopol. The sculpture bears the inscription: "In memory of all the innocent people who died on Sept.
See how Sebastopol has changed since sculptor Patrick Amiot moved into town. find," Amiot tells Spark as he goes to work on a sculpture for Sebastopol's
Walking into Sebastopol sculptor Patrick Amiot's backyard is a little . See how Sebastopol has changed since sculptor Patrick Amiot moved into town.
5 Feb 2010 Sebastopol, California - Demented But Lovable Dog Statue. Large junk art dog sculpture by Patrick Amiot, at the entrance drive to the Humane
27 Aug 2009 The Yard Art of Sonoma County located in Sebastopol, California, US: Monumental sculptures of Patrick Amiot, constructed from debris,
See the blog post for more info: Patrick Amiot Sculpture Art on Florence Avenue in Sebastopol This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
30 Oct 2006 Patrick Amiot's sculpture in Sebastopol, CA. While I was in California visting my family earlier this month my sister drove me down Florence
11 Oct 2007 This clip is and excerpt of a Documentary about Patrick Amiot. It features a sculpture Patrick made for a local recycling center.
Sebastopol Sculpture Personifies Quirky. If you spend any time at all in These are all part of the urban folk art collection of Patrick Amiot.

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