Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
24 Jan 2011 Patrick Hoag - Jan 29, 2011 7:57 PM. » Report abuse. 0 0 Click thumb to rate. 0 0 Please login to rate. I was born!
Microsoft Word - The Bluffs Golf Course. Round 1 - July 17, 2009. Gross Scores (with Net) PAT HOAG 82. T73 BARRY AGARD 83. KEVIN HOPPMAN 83. PHILIP BEARD 83
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Seven additional spots were available at the Ironwood G & CC qualifying site ( see Pat HOAG. Lafayette, CO. 74. 14th Nathan CELUSTA. Simi Valley, CA
19 May 2008 This qualifier was conducted by the Carolinas Golf Association on behalf of the Patrick C Hoag, Crested Butte, CO. 42-44--86 (+14)
Broker: Hoag Realty. Agent: Patrick Hoag. Listing Type: Resale. Year Built: Circle C Golf West Estates. Circle C Ranch. Circle S Ridge
Patrick Hoag is a Texas native. His youth was filled with extra-curricular activities and organization centered around school and athletics.
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Dr. E. Patrick Hoag, 233 Cajon St Ste 1 Redlands CA 92373, Dentist.

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