U.Va. and Tech presidents' salaries are in top 10 nationally | The . Delaware State University Press Release Archive


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

15 Feb 2011 UD President Patrick Harker said that with reduced state funding, President Patrick T. Harker told members of the Joint Finance

8 Jan 2011 Howard E. Cosgrove, chairman of the university's Board of Trustees, said, " Patrick T. Harker has an excellent combination of experience and

24 Feb 2009 President Claibourne D. Smith and UD President Patrick T. Harker at and for the citizens of the State of Delaware,” Dr. Harker said.

The Alfred West Jr. Learning Lab will...paradigm," said Patrick T. Harker, dean of the Wharton School. The Alfred West Jr. Learning Lab (http.

Howard E. Cosgrove, chairman of the university's Board of Trustees, said, " Patrick T. Harker has an excellent combination of experience and skills to lead

Howard E. Cosgrove, chairman of the university's Board of Trustees, said, " Patrick T. Harker has an excellent combination of experience and skills to lead

21 Nov 2006 PATRICK T. HARKER. Education. Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Harker said the university should continually increase the bar for

24 Feb 2009 President Claibourne D. Smith and UD President Patrick T. Harker, and for the citizens of the State of Delaware,” Dr. Harker said.

...schools because of politics and "where the money comes from," Messinger said. Not long after Patrick T. Harker took over as UD's president,

Howard E. Cosgrove, chairman of the university's Board of Trustees, said, " Patrick T. Harker has an excellent combination of experience and skills to lead

An appreciation of departing Dean Patrick T. Harker, who changed the At Delaware, this push for the best and brightest will continue, Harker said.

Howard E. Cosgrove, chairman of the university's Board of Trustees, said, " Patrick T. Harker has an excellent combination of experience and skills to lead

3 May 2009 (July 3rd in case you weren't sure haha) among the entire campus community,” University of Delaware President Patrick T. Harker said.

18 Jan 2010 He said executive compensation packages are becoming more complex, reflecting the 3: University of Delaware — Patrick T. Harker, $810603

In announcing his appointment as President, Howard Cosgrove, Chairman of the University of Delaware's Board of Trustees, said, "Patrick T. Harker has an

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