Patrick Tribett Sues Those Turning Gold Mugshot into Mugshot Gold . McMechen, West Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

The city is home to Patrick Tribett, whose mugshot became an internet phenomenon on Fark and The Smoking Gun after being arrested repeatedly for huffing

Patrick Tribett was nabbed in July 2005 by Ohio cops and charged with abusing harmful intoxicants. The 41-year-old Tribett, it seems, had been huffing spray

Patrick Tribett goes for the gold The Smoking Gun pretty much dedicates itself to showing people during their most humiliating moments, but the celebrity

16 Aug 2010 2, 2009 article says he'd been clean for 8-weeks and was all sue-happy- Patrick Tribett Sues Those Turning Gold Mugshot into Mugshot Gold

2 Dec 2009 Patrick Tribett was arrested in Bellaire, Ohio, in 2005. Police say he had been huffing the fumes from gold spraypaint. The proof?

19 Aug 2010 Wetzel County sheriff's deputies arrested Patrick Tribett -- again with gold spray paint on his face -- Wednesday night.

Patrick Tribett was nabbed in July 2005 by Ohio cops and charged with abusing harmful intoxicants. The 41-year-old Tribett, it seems, had been huffing spray

Largest collection of mugshots on the Internet. From famous celebrity mugshots to old gangster mugshot.

30 Nov 2009 Patrick Tribett of McMechen was arrested in Bellaire, Ohio, in 2005. Police say he had been huffing the fumes from gold spray paint,

25 Mar 2009 When asked Tuesday by Judge Mark A. Karl whether or not he still is "huffing," serial paint huffer Patrick Tribett slowly nodded his head in

Patrick Tribett is a repeat offender in Ohio, frequently arrested for huffing paint. He has become a staple of FARK photoshop contests, becoming an official

19 Aug 2010 Patrick Tribett, a man whose mugshot became notorious on the Internet, has been arrested again in West Virginia. WTOP-TV reports that he was

5 Oct 2009 Patrick Tribett was nabbed in July 2005 by Ohio cops and charged with abusing harmful intoxicants. The 41-year-old Tribett, it seems,

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