Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
29 May 2001 Patrick and Margaret Forhan/Forhan family history & genealogy message board. Hosted by Forum of community contributed messages
John Burridge; Patrick, son of Thomas Norton; John, At a court, held for Han- over county, 6 Dec, 1734, the will of William Rice, de-
Patrick swayze and movie. patrick gless, james patrick burke, death of grey patrick, patrick forhan genealogy, patrick wynne. January 6 to 10
6 Aug 2009 AB. and John B. Motycka (Pat Forhan) of Taber, AB. He studied family genealogy for many years and was a descendent of a
Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society c1 Funeral - Herbert A. Forhan, Apr 20; son of Patrick & Frances Forhan, nee Gales; husband of
29 May 2001 Patrick and Margaret Forhan/Forhan family history & genealogy message board. Hosted by Forum of community contributed messages
YOU CAN FIND YOUR ANCESTRY by the BEST TOOL of MODERN GENEALOGY - Pat Griffith How I know I am not a relative of Mark Twain..:-) - Tom Forhan 1/02/02
30 Apr 2009 McNamara Patrick m. Catherine (Mulqueen?) lived Raleigh, Kent. researching Kent area surnames:: Tompkins, Gales, Burton, Forhan,
6 Aug 2009 AB. and John B. Motycka (Pat Forhan) of Taber, AB. He studied family genealogy for many years and was a descendent of a
Forhan family history & genealogy message board. Hosted by Patrick and Margaret Forhan, barbaradelane... 4, 7 Mar 2006

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