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Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

9 May 2010 Other than that, just making sure that I stay busy on my dirt bike. Pro Riders Jimmy Fitzpatrick & Todd Potter Jump For MTV Reality Show

The Metal Mulisha is THE GREATEST Dirt-Bike Team that contains some of worlds BEST Jimmy Fitzpatrick Josh Grant Justin Homan Larry Linkogle Luke Urek

to hook up with Hartman while he and Montana's Keith Sayers were getting their ride on at Jimmy Fitzpatrick's dirt bike wonderland in Temecula, Calif.

His skills on a Dirt Bike has taken him all over the world including Canada, China, Destin Cantrell, Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Wes Agee, Vinnie Carbone,

Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Osiris Shoes and Metal Mulisha freestyle moto team rider page . Other than that, just making sure that I stay busy on my dirt bike.

26 Nov 2007 Transworld Motocross stopped by Jimmy Fitzpatrick's house to snap a few photos and a backyard jam went down. Gotta have a nice .

19 Oct 2010 Jim McNeil, Brody Wilson, Jimmy Fitzpatrick and Dustin Miller. April 9 Glendale, Az. Arena. Dirt Bike Racing News

18 Feb 2008 jimmy fitzpatrick at his compound/backyard it wine country,riders include twitch JIMMY FITZPATRICK METAL MULISHA FMX -

27 May 2010 metal mulisha's jimmy fitzpatrick talks x-games and the front flip. first front flip on a dirt bike. Winter X-Games 14!

Jimmy Fitzpatrick By now, most of you have seen Jimmy Fitzpatrick's horrifying wreck into and representing on your dirt bike you are doing your part.

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12 Jul 2007 It didn't take long for Jimmy Fitzpatrick to hop on his dirtbike and get in on the action. With side-by-side ramps lined up, Jimmy didn't

25 Jan 2008 H-Bomb Films' ATV “Bomb Squad” racers, and Jimmy Fitzpatrick of the Metal Mulisha dirt bike crew, put on an incredible intermission

20 Nov 2009 Freestyle Riding Session: Jimmy Fitzpatrick video at Watch, comment, rate & share Freestyle Riding Session: Jimmy Fitzpatrick and

Chris Tedesco You may be asking yourself "What could possibly be so interesting about watching Jimmy Fitzpatrick and his brother ride dirtbikes and be

8 Jun 2008 The dirt-bike engines sounded like a cross between angry lawn mowers Fellow Mulisha member Jimmy Fitzpatrick lives on his parents' Wine

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