Patrick O'Brian | LibraryThing. Patrick O'Brian - Dean King


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

A bibliography of Patrick O'Brian's books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.

Patrick O'Brian (given name: Richard Patrick Russ, 1914 - 2000) was the author of twenty books (and three chapters) detailing the naval and terrestrial

A Gunroom guide to Patrick O'Brian Web Resources – comprehensive annotated link list; Patrick O'Brian Home Page – introduction to the author and his books,

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The sea novels of Patrick O'Brian, featuring the complex relationship between Jack about the author, but O'Brian seemed determined to frustrate them.

A list of resources on the World Wide Web relating to author Patrick O'Brian, his novels, and life in the Royal Navy during the Age of Sail.

Mamet recently wrote a "paean" to author Patrick O'Brian for the New York Times, comparing him to Mark Twain and Arthur Conan Doyle.

7 Jan 2000 Author Patrick O'Brian, who has died aged 85, won a cult following with his seafaring sagas of life in the Royal Navy during the time of

Audio books by patrick o'brian available now at Audio Editions!

10 Jan 2000 ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: The author Patrick O'Brian died at age 85 in Dublin last week. He wrote 20 novels of the sea, beginning with "Master

Works by Patrick O'Brian: Master and Commander, Post Captain, H.M.S. Surprise, The Mauritius Command, The Far Side of the World, Desolation Island,

10 Jan 2000 ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: The author Patrick O'Brian died at age 85 in Dublin last week. He wrote 20 novels of the sea, beginning with "Master

ARTICLES ABOUT PATRICK O'BRIAN: An Author I'd Walk the Plank For, by Richard Snow (January 6, 1991) This article, which was on the cover of the Book Review,

17 Nov 1999 NPR's Neal Conan talks with Patrick O'Brian, author of Blue at the Mizzen. It's the 20th book in the series of historical novels following

12 Dec 2009 In honor of Patrick O'Brian's birthday, a biography of the British author of the Aubrey-Maturin series of historical novels about the

Patrick O'Brian (1914-2000) - is by far the most well-known author who called Collioure his home for more than 50 years. Brilliant, but very private (some

27 Dec 2006 It's not hard to figure out where Patrick O'Brien, an author and illustrator of 11 children's books, gets his inspiration.

8 Jan 2000 Revelations that the late author Patrick O'Brian was not what he seemed should not surprise. 3 Mar 2001. Queen of hearts. 21 Nov 1999

About the Author. In addition to twenty volumes in the highly respected Aubrey/ Maturin series, Patrick O'Brian's many books include Testimonies, The Golden

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