Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
9 May 2010 Deval Patrick is getting a lucky break in his re-election race. "I guess he was planning to run for governor, so he stayed as far away
2 Oct 2010 Cahill vows to continue independent run in governor's race despite Deval Patrick a second term. That echoed a sentiment expressed last
2 Nov 2010 Voters yesterday decided Deval Patrick deserves a second term, preferring him to he stepped down in July 2009 to run for governor.
3 Nov 2010 Patrick made his first bid for elected office in 2006, running for Laura Kiritsy, “With love and pride, Governor Deval Patrick's
5 Jan 2011 Governor Fuzzy: Has Deval Patrick lost his edge — already? race that got most Bay State politicos salivating was the run for governor.
6 Oct 2010 Deval Patrick adopted a forward-looking energy plan, but it's been then pulled the state out as he prepared for a presidential run.
18 Nov 2008 Deval Patrick could be in for a shock come election time as his chief Treasurer Tim Cahill says he's mulling a run for governor,
11 Jul 2010 Deval Patrick speaks during a radio debate at the WRKO-AM 680 studios Health Care for a decade before stepping down to run for governor.
GOVERNOR:Deval Patrick (Democrat) FIRST LADY:Diane Bemus Patrick for our nation and raises and distributes money to run the United States government.
1 Feb 2011 Robert Reich endorses Deval Patrick for Governor. He chose to run for public office and motivate others to get involved or re-involved -
"With love and pride, Governor Deval Patrick's daughter comes out publicly". Patrick: "I will run again." ^ "Massachusetts Governor - Baker vs.
A portal about Deval Patrick, the new governor of Massachusettes. one hopes that those that run for public office do so to out of a sense of commitment
6 Apr 2009 MA Governor Deval Patrick Decides To Run For Re-Election, Still Hasn't Done A Thing To Help These People. Link to Boston Herald "Governor To
3 Nov 2010 Governor Deval Patrick defeated Republican rival Charles D. Baker when Patrick called Baker and suggested they run for governor and
3 Apr 2009 Conservative Feminist Blog, feminist opinion and commentary, news and current events, Massachusetts Conservative politics, Tina Hemond,
28 Oct 2010 Thirty-seven percent of voters thought that Deval Patrick has run the best campaign this season. Cahill, Stein, and those who are undecided
22 Jan 2011 Will former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman run for President in 2012? Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick wants to up the age of retirement
2 Nov 2010 Deval Patrick fended off a pro-GOP, anti-incumbent wave to defeat former governor Mitt Romney to skip seeking a second term to run for

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