Thinking Anglicans: weekend reading. Beware the new axis of evangelicals and Islamists | Spectator, The


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

11 Sep 2007 Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, who was born into a Muslim family, Patrick Sookhdeo, “ Will London Burn too?” The Spectator, 12 November 2005.

31 Mar 2005 If Patrick Sookhdeo were genuinely interested in protecting Christians all around Open letter to Dr Evan Harris from Shaikh Riyad Nadwi

22 Nov 2007 The speaker was Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, the Fund's director. His theme was The Challenge of Islam. Dr. Sookhdeo is a Christian convert from

11 Sep 2007 Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, who was born into a Muslim family, Patrick Sookhdeo, “ Will London Burn too?” The Spectator, 12 November 2005.

30 Oct 2009 Dr Patrick Sookhdeo (International Director, Barnabas Fund) has been asked by Spectator. The tireless Islam scholar and anti-Islamist Dr

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo This article was published in The Spectator (12 November 2005) under the title “Will London Burn Too?” BARNABAS FUND E-MAIL NEWS SERVICE

30 Jul 2005 The Spectator. 30 th. July 2005. Patrick Sookhdeo Dr Patrick Sookhdeo is Director of the Institute for the Study of

30 Jul 2005 Any article in the Spectator has to be immediately suspect, and this As for Rev Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, a quick google shows he has worked

Melanie Phillips reported in The Spectator that this post was the cause of Living in the Last days of Christianity in Britain Dr Patrick Sookhdeo his

30 Jul 2005 The Spectator. 30 th. July 2005. Patrick Sookhdeo Dr Patrick Sookhdeo is Director of the Institute for the Study of

Melanie Phillips reported in The Spectator that this post was the cause of a number of death threats received by Patrick Sookhdeo, even the Barnabas Fund

7 Mar 2009 Those who do so include the Bishop of Rochester, Michael NazirAli, the Africa specialist Baroness Cox, the Islam expert Dr Patrick Sookhdeo

Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, director of the British-based Institute for the Study of

Dr. Patrick Sookdheo, an expert on Islam and an important researcher and Patrick Sookhdeo, “The Myth of Moderate Islam”, The Spectator, July 30, 2005.

In a recent article in The Spectator magazine in the UK, the evangelical leader Patrick Sookhdeo takes a swipe at Muslims and their religion.

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