Historical Dates in Michigan's History - May 12. Blogging For Michigan:: Good Morning Michigan! Tuesday May 12, 2009


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in the straits of Mackinac where the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan meet. to move as well, Lieutenant Governor Patrick Sinclair ordered Ste.

Michigan Info · Books & Merchandise During 1780-81 the fort, under the command of Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair, was relocated on the island and many of

12 May 2010 Central Michigan University The British commandant at Michilimackinac, Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair, and numerous Ojibwe chiefs met to

Patrick J Sinclair, Homer Glen, IL · Patrick J Sinclair, Highland, MI Mackinac's Lieutenant-Governor Patrick Sinclair is the sister city to .

Vol. 33, No. 1 - 180 pages - MagazineDuSable was arrested in the summer of 1779 in Michigan City by Lt. Thomas and employed as a factor by Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair who succeeded De books.google.com/books?id=PdTbEtL4unsC -

Lieutenant-General Patrick Sinclair (1736 – 31 January 1820) was a British Mackinac on Mackinac Island in what was to become the U.S. state of Michigan. military and also from his time as lieutenant-governor of Michilimackinac.

Sacred to the memory of Patrick Sinclair V of Lybster, Lieut-General. He was in command of the Great Lakes, and later Lt Governor of the Fort of

During 1780-81, Fort Mackinac, under the command of Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair, was relocated Region, Michigan - Upper Peninsula tourist attractions

Both DePeyster and his successor, Lieutenant Governor Patrick Sinclair exhausted If George Rogers Clark launched a naval assault from Lake Michigan,

The Pinery had been established by the British Lieutenant Governor Patrick Sinclair. Upon receiving news that the present manager had been mistreating the

Shortly after De Peyster's successor, Lt. Gov. Patrick Sinclair, assumed of the local Ojibway, as manager of Sinclair's Michigan estate, the Pinery.

- 1991 - History - 544 pagesAt Michilimackinac, Lieutenant Governor Patrick Sinclair tried to anglicize the Indian service with less success. Quarrelsome and opinionated, Sinclair books.google.com/books?isbn=052137104X

Until the end of his life he drew the salary of lieutenant governor of Sinclair's report on lakes Michigan and Huron in Campbell to Gage, 2 Aug.

13 Feb 2010 Patrick Sinclair, who was transferred to the Straits of Mackinac The new Lieutenant Governor of the Mackinac country had the power to

During 1780-81, Fort Mackinac, under the command of Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair, was relocated Region, Michigan - Upper Peninsula tourist attractions

- 1997 - History - 415 pages21 Lieutenant Governor Patrick Sinclair to Captain Diedrick Brehm, Michigan Collections, 37 11909- 101539, 546-47; Howard to the Committee of Merchants books.google.com/books?isbn=0873513533

12 May 2009 Good Morning Michigan! Today is Tuesday May 12. In a grove of trees below Fort Mackinac, Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair,

In a grove of trees below Fort Mackinac, Lt. Governor Patrick Sinclair, Hull had been governor of the Michigan Territory since 1805 and in 1811 was

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