Iraq at Center of Pennsylvania House Race : NPR. Pa. lawmakers weigh in on Petraeus testimony |


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

23 Mar 2007 Mark, how important was this vote in the House today, setting a deadline all of whom were military veterans, including Patrick Murphy,

29 Jan 2009 Madeleine Bordallo (Guam)); Patrick Murphy (Pa. On September 10, 2007, General David Petraeus testified before the House Committee on

27 Sep 2007 Prior to being elected to Congress, Patrick Murphy served as a Captain in the U.S. Army. Russshhh states in his transcript that his sole "phony soldier" is the speech Bush's put Petraeus on the Political front with the Remove your leadership from the white house to the crowbar hotel.

1 Dec 2010 Today PCN replayed a talk given by Congressman Patrick Murphy at his legal alma mater, This is not intended as a transcript, just rough notes. Grew up in a row house in NE Philly, son of police office and a legal secretary. David Petraeus. When returned country was gearing up for Iraq.

20 Mar 2007 The Honorable Patrick Murphy, a Representative in Congress from the In addition to this very important action on the House floor on

27 Sep 2007 Prior to being elected to Congress, Patrick Murphy served as a Captain in the U.S. Army. Russshhh states in his transcript that his sole "phony soldier" is the speech Bush's put Petraeus on the Political front with the Remove your leadership from the white house to the crowbar hotel.

2 May 2010 Patrick Murphy, who is the lead sponsor of the House repeal bill. David Petraeus;. o Vice President Richard Cheney; State of The Union address transcript: “This year, I will work with Congress and our military

4 Sep 2007 The Armed Services Committee, on the other hand, is packed with ten freshman Democrats elected on an anti-war wave, including Patrick Murphy

28 Sep 2007 David Petraeus, in testimony before Congress, would be "General Betray-us." The House passed a similar resolution this week. Patrick Murphy, D-Pa., an Iraq veteran critical of the war, scolded Limbaugh in a Thursday column on the (A full transcript is posted on Limbaugh's Web site here.)

11 Sep 2007 Patrick Murphy, D-Bucks County: "General Petraeus himself said that counter- insurgencies cannot be won without a political solution - I

26 May 2010 Patrick Murphy will need to find those 217 if the House is going to Petraeus has ordered expanded clandestine U.S. military THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.

5 Jun 2008 Also, Petraeus and Crocker report to the President, a guy with strong When Patrick Murphy, who served with the 82nd Airborne in Baghdad,

16 Mar 2008 Democrat Patrick Murphy is the only Iraq veteran serving in Congress. This transcript is provided for personal, noncommercial use only

16 Mar 2010 A House version of the bill was introduced last year and has attracted 189 cosponsors. Pennsylvania Representative Patrick Murphy,

4 Sep 2007 The Armed Services Committee, on the other hand, is packed with ten freshman Democrats elected on an anti-war wave, including Patrick Murphy

22 Dec 2010 And I've got to acknowledge Patrick Murphy, a veteran himself, who helped lead "I do find it encouraging that the White House reached out to bloggers David Paterson (79), David Petraeus (1), David Phillips (4)

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